Through Others


There are things I’ve been praying about for years. I know God hears me, but I’m not sure what His plans are, and so, I wait.

And then there are times I pray and get my answer immediately. Like yesterday when a sweet friend asked me to consider getting involved in something at her church—My first thought was, I’m not equipped. My second thought was, I don’t have time. I felt like I had already made my decision, but decided to pray for God’s guidance anyway.

A few minutes later, my youngest son called and just as we were wrapping up our conversation, I mentioned what my friend had proposed and asked if he would pray about it for me. Justin was busy. He had just worked a long day in construction and was about to walk into his house for dinner with his family, but instead he sat on his front porch and talked to me for the next thirty minutes. By the end of our conversation my perspective had changed completely. Justin reminded me of who I am and what I have to offer. He reminded me of the gifts God has given me—the gift of faith, communication, and discernment. After our talk, the wheels of possibilities had already starting turning cartwheels in my head.

Not ten minutes later, my daughter-in-law and I had a conversation about a project she was working on—something unrelated, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that our conversation very much related to my earlier prayer.

The next morning I read the day’s devotional which felt like it had been written just for me, and I had to laugh. Ok, Lord. I hear you loud and clear. I know what to do. I AM equipped for the opportunity that has been offered to me—a chance to work with and mentor young women. I will make the time!

The quick answers to prayer always seem to come when it’s not something that I want, but a decision I’m struggling with—typically something that makes me uncomfortable. One of the many things I’ve learned in my walk with Jesus, is that I’m not supposed to be comfortable. I’m supposed to push myself to show my faith and use the gifts He’s given me to serve and help others. I’m usually not thrilled about these things I agree to do, but I always end up being blessed by them.

Thank you to my son Justin, for taking the time and for believing in me. And thank you Jesus, for your not-so-subtle way of showing me the path you want me to take. What an honor and unexpected gift to be asked to work with young women.

On decisions like this one, take your time. Consider the possibilities. Reflect, pray, and see where it leads. God may surprise you with His answer!

Editors PicksKathryn Inman