The Yellow Slide


I took my fifteen month old granddaughter, Everly Grace, to the park last week. Her parents were gone for a few hours, so it was just the two of us.  I was really excited about our time together and I think she was too. It was a crisp, cool, October day in the great Northwest.  The sky was clear blue, with big, white, puffy clouds that danced in front of the sun that was shining high in the sky. We got our jackets on, loaded up the stroller with a few snacks, her favorite toy, some water, her blue blanket, and we set off on our adventure. As we walked through the neighborhood, I could hear her little feet kicking the front of the stroller, and I knew she was already having fun. 

I was fully present with this precious girl; there were no worries or distractions. I was enjoying every minute of our time together. Just Everly Grace and I at the park, playing in the playground that seemed to be just her size.  It was empty and quiet, except for the occasional bird chirping and dog barking.  Each time the dog barked, Ev would stop and point in the direction of the sound, then smile and quickly go back to playing.  I remember the smell of the eucalyptus trees that stood tall by the fence next to the park, and the warmth and brilliance of the sun that made us both squint. I remember the sound of her giggle as she ran down the slope of grass, checking every so often to make sure I was still behind her, which I was.

I remember the sparkle of wonder in her eyes as she gazed up at the tire swing, and the sheer delight in her giggle as we went down that slippery, yellow, slide together, again, and again, and five more times! Ev was in charge, so we slid down the slide as many times as her little heart desired.

I let her decide when to leave, and she did.  She pointed to her stroller, in sign language said “please”, and then she put her thumb in her mouth, and reached for my hand. She was tired, and ready to go. So we strolled back to her house for a nap. We stayed at the park for about hour, and it was an hour I will never forget.

Be present with your loved ones.  Put your phone away, turn off the television, and put aside your laptop or tablet.  Grab some snacks, a blanket, and someone you love and head out on an adventure

Time passes so very quickly. Take the time to create the kind of memories that I did with Ev that day at the park. The kind of memories you can replay in your head, over, and over again.The kind that make you smile when you think about them.The kind of memories you will treasure, forever.

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