
She’s An Ocean

Her current falling in a deep, rolling rhythm as if swaying to music.

Waves raging like glaciers of ice, so sharp they would surely shred your heart.

She meets the shore in an explosion of a thousand tiny bubbles whirling about, like champagne dancing on your tongue.

In the wind she shifts—calm, gentle, like glass reflecting the moonlight.

She’s an ocean

She pulls you in deeper, until you find yourself gasping for air, and you feel like you’re drowning, but you’re still breathing, your senses alive, like the salt stinging your skin.

She comes back again, and again, and you can’t look away. She shines, like a million stars in the heavens.

She’s an ocean

Ruthless and powerful, swirling in all directions. She moves like the tide, your ache growing as you watch her leave.

The sky meets her with a hungry kiss, like young lovers in the night. And she makes you feel small, powerless against her vast beauty.

She’s an ocean

Kathryn M. Inman

Never Lost Again

As I suffered and hid in the dark
you were there, I just didn’t know it.

When I screamed and cursed all that was lost, you were waiting for me to see you.

When there was no light, only darkness, you protected my heart with your love.

When I was weak and helpless to fight, you fought for me, because it was never my battle.

When I was drowning in sorrow and couldn’t find my voice, you spoke life back into my soul.

When I was cold and couldn’t feel the sun, you stirred the warmth back in, and let it fill me.

When I finally cried out and surrendered, you were there waiting, wrapping me in your grace and mercy.

Now I see you, I feel you, I turn to you. With every step and breath, I seek you.

I see the beauty in the mighty works of your hands. Your glory and power wash over me. In your light and love I stand restored,
never to be lost again.

Kathryn M. Inman

The Joy it Brings

 She seems so happy with her hands in the dirt and warm sun on her shoulders, as she carefully tends to each plant in her garden 

You can almost sense her heart beat quicken as she sees new blooms, their colors deep and rich, each so vibrant and glorious.

She gazes intently at new leaves that seem to twist and turn in delight as they rise, bursting towards the sky.

The quiet is but a sheer blanket, laying gently over all that is growing and flourishing beneath.

In her garden, in the sunshine, it is perhaps her favorite place of all.

Kathryn M. Inman