Turquoise Skies


It was one of those restless nights that rolled into the next day. I was over thinking every little problem and feeling stressed. By the time I left for my morning walk I was completely distracted and in my own head.

After thirty minutes, I stopped at the top of the hill for just a moment to collect my thoughts and catch my breath. I glanced to my left and that’s when I saw this palm tree— standing alone against a turquoise backdrop with sprinkles of clouds spread in clusters like marshmallows dancing over the ocean.

I stared for a good ten minutes as my emotions got the best of me. Before I knew it, my stress melted away and was replaced with immense gratitude. How blessed I am to walk under these beautiful skies! What a gift! Let me tell you, perspective is everything.

The rest of my day was quite lovely. My worries long forgotten, I found myself feeling abundantly grateful — for a healthy body, sunshine, our home, food in the fridge, the cold water I gulped down when I made it back from my walk, and every little thing the Lord has blessed me with. Just by looking up into the sky that was painted by our Creator, I was reminded of how small my problems really are, how big God is, and how grateful I am for every day He gives me.

If you find yourself weighed down with worry, get on your knees in prayer and leave it with Jesus—He’s got you covered. And whenever you can, look up to the sky and drench yourself in God’s canvas of glory. It is a gift!

Editors PicksKathryn Inman